Trip Rates 2024
Half days are perfect if you want to beat the heat and focus your day on the best fishing. This trip would also be ideal for evening dry flies, floating afternoon generation releases, or fishing around inclement weather.
While on a half day you can expect your guide to have all the necessary gear for the fishing with the exception of your rain gear, and fishing licenses. Lunches are not provided on half day floats, however guides will have plenty of drinks. These trips run around 4-5 hours long, and you can choose which part of the day you would like to fish. It is recommend that you that take your guides advice on those hours.
$400 per boat (1-2 Anglers)
$550 per boat (1-2 Anglers)
Spending a full day on the river has its advantages. A full day with a guide will give you more time to learn and focus on techniques, and tactics. Sometimes it's better for beginner anglers to fish full days because it usually takes a couple hours before they feel comfortable with the new skills they are learning. Other incentives would be longer time on the river, as well as watching the ebbs and flows of the fishing throughout the day.
While on a full day you can expect your guide to have all the fishing gear, lunch, and drinks for guests. Rain gear, and fishing licenses will not be provided. These trips are around 7-8 hours long, and the start time is up to you. However it is recommend that you that take your guides advice on that time.